Monday, September 8, 2014

KRE-O: Star Trek - U.S.S. Enterprise

I'm a big sci-fi fan (geek) and when I saw the KRE-O Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise kit at the toy store just before Christmas of 2013 I knew I just had to have it.  It didn't hurt that it was also on sale at the time which made it easier for me to ask the wife if she could give this to me as a present for Christmas.  Believe it or not, she was glad to get it for me since she has no problem making my inner geek happy.Yahoo!

It comes with Captain Kirk, Spock and Dr. McCoy along with a couple of officers though it would've been better just to include Sulu and Scotty instead but I guess that still leaves out Uhura and Chekov

Fast forward eight months later (Not really sure why it took me so long but I was busy getting into Gunpla as well) and I finally took the time to start the build.  Needless to say it was a straightforward and simple build given that this was intended for ages 9-14. (Age alone over qualifies me as an expert or dare I say "Master Builder")  It took less than 2 hours to sift through and assemble all 432 pieces while I had "The Lego Movie" playing in the background (For inspiration - Everything Is Awesome!) and in the end a really cool replica of one of the most recognizable spaceships in the history of science fiction was before me...The U.S.S. Enterprise! (Cue Star Trek music!)

Adding to the cool factor, the main engine and the two thrusters light up blue when you press a little button located at the bottom of the ship while a photon torpedo is at the ready to fire at approaching enemy Klingon ships

Neat little details like this make this kit a joy to build

The top cover can be removed to reveal the main bridge
Main bridge

Mr. Spock

Capt. James T. Kirk at his usual place on the bridge and in the foreground on the right (in blue) is Dr. "Bones" McCoy

Overall, an enjoyable kit to build and display.  There are great parts in this kit if you ever decide it's time to take it apart and build other neat and interesting things.  This is the beauty of Lego / KRE-O / building bricks, only your imagination (which can be boundless like space - sorry, I could help it) limits you.  Till my next post.  Thanks, everyone!

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